Web Design Resources

Web Design Resources

Is Your website Mobile Compatible Yet?

According to many several surveys, by year end 2013, more browsers will use their smart phones to access websites than the desk top. Thanks to the revolution in mobile phone - namely smart phones - an increasing number of people now turn to their mobile as the first choice for browsing. This is especially true of the younger generation.

Is your Website Mobile Compliant?
Take a look at your company website on a mobile phone. Does the website take a lot of time to download? Do you have to scroll a lot to read across a page? Do you have to pinch and extend letters in order to be able to read them? If you answer 'yes' to these three questions, you are way behind times. With so many potential clients, the question now is not whether you should do a mobile compliant website, but when to do it. Here are some statistics to back this statement:
  • More than 70% say that the websites they visit are very slow to load on their mobile device
  • 4 % people said the website they were trying to view is simply not available on the mobile phone
  • About 50% said the website they were trying to view crashed
  • More than 75% people were unhappy with websites that were not properly visible on the mobile and were not likely to go back to that site again.
Since the primary idea behind developing a website is to make it accessible to all people, and since more and more people are using their smart phones to access the Internet, it is necessary to make your website mobile compliant NOW - or lose out to the competition.

Responsive Website Vs a Mobile Compatible Website
Responsive websites are great. However, they still take a long time to load, because of the complicated CSS and HTML5 coding. Since there are many automated mobile website development in the market today, developing a mobile compatible website is relatively inexpensive. For a good user experience, it is always better to go for a different, specially developed for mobile devices website.